
Spread the love!

Here is the moment you've all been waiting for!

The big, exciting news is...

from now on 10% of your total purchase will go towards a non-profit or charity of your choice! 

(Aw, thanks, Henry! You're outstanding too!)

So, for example, if you book a $750 wedding, $75 from that will go to an organization that helps protects the environment, provides children with a mentor, delivers food to areas that have undergone a disaster, or whatever you want! 

Here are a few organizations that I think are great, in case you aren't sure where to give:

World Vision                               www.worldvision.org/  
Free the Captives                         www.freethecaptiveshouston.com/
The American Red Cross            www.redcross.org/
Earth Share                                  www.earthshare.org/
Big Brothers Big Sisters              www.bbbs.org/
Compassion                                www.compassion.com/default.htm

It's just a small way to keep on spreading the love. So book a session now! :)


Kyle & Lindsey

This winter wedding could not have been sweeter. The cozy inn, the fire in the fireplace, and the obvious smitten-ness between these two reminded me that I have the best job in the world.